The Goldback®

A revolutionary private gold currency

The Goldback® is the world’s first physical, interchangeable, gold money, that is designed to accommodate even small transactions.

For the first time, people can spend physical gold with ease, on small items like a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread, or on larger purchases like a vehicle service or a home remodel.

After 2600 years, The Goldback® finally solves the "small coin problem" and allows the spending of physical gold for any size transaction.

Goldbacks are precisely franctionalized gold denominated notes which are easy to understand and trade with. They can be saved or spent and handled like fiat paper currency dollars, but the beauty is, they aren't made of paper, they're made of real gold.

100% Private Sound Money

Goldbacks are revolutionary because they give the power back to the people. 

Using this voluntary sound gold commodity money, you can be at peace knowing that your wealth and your transactions are 100% private.

No one or any entity can see what you have or control what you spend your money on.

Unlike cryptocurrency or any form of digital money, you don't have to rely on electricity or a connection to the internet, in order to access or spend your hard earned money.

In times of turmoil or a financial banking crisis, you won't need to worry whether a bank would allow you to withdraw your savings or whether or not they even have it to give you.

Buying and holding physical Goldbacks in your wallet and or safe, you will be in control of your savings and spending money.

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Your Hedge Against Inflation

With inflation at it's highest levels in decades and the rapid decline of the dollars purchasing power, all of us are looking for alternative assets to invest our hard earned money in.

People are flocking to Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and other alternatives, faster than ever before. And although these are all potentially great alternatives to fiat currency or the dollar, none of them have stood the test of time like gold.

When inflation runs wild, Gold has always been a good hedge. The issue is, not many people, other the wealthy, have been able to purchase Gold as it is extremely expensive in the form it has always been sold, and even worse, once you own it, it is almost impossible to spend it.

This is where the Goldback is reformationary!

Now everybody can afford to purchase and own gold and use it as a hedge against inflation. Investing your hard earned money in Goldbacks, can protect your savings against the ever declining purchasing power of the dollar or any other fiat paper money.


Goldback Spendabilty

What separates Goldback notes apart from traditional Gold investments is their spendability. Goldbacks are denominated like fiat currency which makes them easy to underdstand. Each donimination represents a precise weight in gold that is in each Goldback.

Goldbacks are easy to carry in your Goldback Wallet which makes them easy to be spend on everyday small purchases.

Goldbacks aren't like most traditional Gold investments, which typically come in the form of 1 ounce Gold coins and Gold bars which are both too heavy and valuable to be able to spend on everyday small purchases. Today a 1 ounce gold coin is around $2000.00 and a 1 kilogram Gold bar, about $65,000.00. It is obvious, these would be hard to spend or impossible to fragment into small enough pieces in order to make everyday purchases.

Goldbacks solve the traditional Gold investment liquidity problems. They're easy to buy, easy to carry and store, and easy to spend.

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Goldbacks are Fungible

Fungible means you can always exchange two Five-Goldbacks notes for one Ten-Goldbacks note.

Or five Ten-Goldbacks notes for one Fifty-Goldbacks note.

When buying Goldbacks, it is easy to figure out the price... whether you are buying 5 or 2000 Goldbacks, you would just multiply the amount of Goldbacks times the current exchange rate on

Fungible Gold Notes Are Easy To Use

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Image credit: Goldback, Inc.