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10 South Dakota Goldbacks

10 South Dakota Goldbacks

Regular price $54.70 USD
Regular price Sale price $54.70 USD
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This Goldback Voluntary Currency Bill contains 1/100th TROY OUNCE 24K GOLD.

Harmonia (Harmony)

The Virtue Harmonia, or Harmony, makes her debut on the South Dakota 10 Goldback Denomination. Accompanied by the phrase “Live in Harmony”, Harmonia appears as a modern interpretation of the Greco-Roman Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, fertility, and young women. As such, she is surrounded by many symbols of those things. She holds a drawn bow, with an arrow on the string, ready to release. Behind her, a crescent moon rises in a cloudy sky, a symbol of healing and light in the darkness. Around her are depictions of Canada geese, a pronghorn antelope, mule deer antler sheds, and ring-necked pheasants, representing just some of the animals that make South Dakota a world renowned hunting destination in the United States.

She wears a belt that has diamonds and stylized feathers at her waist. The diamonds represent the incredible value of women to humankind. The feathers are representative of two things. First, they represent each of the types of fowl that can be hunted in South Dakota; both ground dwelling birds like quail, turkey, and the state bird, the ring-necked pheasant; and migrating birds like ducks and geese. However, second, and deeper still, these feathers also lend from the Greek tradition that fowl feathers are sacred and they are placed at her waist above her womb to indicate the sacred nature and beauty of both womanhood and childbearing.

Harmonia is an excellent representation of ecological balance. As a classical representation of both the wilderness, or ecological interactions, and the hunt, this Artemis inspired virtue stands as a bastion of how the hunt is a natural part of an ecosystem and how best practices of wildlife conservation and harvesting need to both be present for a healthy ecosystem to thrive. South Dakota strives for this type of balance in its policy and practice. In a similar way, the hunting dog with Harmonia, who also has a collar of laurel leaves, represents a resonance of purpose and execution of will through direction and obedience to direction. 

Her bow and arrows have special significance here as well. The bow is a tool that requires much practice and mastery in order to be accurate and proficient. It requires discipline in practice and intent in its use. The arrow represents direction, focus, and speed. If the arrow is true it will fly correctly and, when combined with true aim, will hit its target. When these two symbols are used together, they embody a sense of dedication and focus that results in a capable effort and successful endeavor. They are the harmony between practice and intent, and result in the victory of obtaining one’s goal. That victory is represented by the crown of laurel leaves that wreath Harmonia’s head.


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